5 — Designing Interfaces for the Common Ontology
Due Monday, September 24, midnight
Delivery You must deliver a single artifact in your Santorini/Design directory: board.PP.
Design Task Design an interface for the Santorini game board.
The board does not "know" the rules of the game. It does "know" that it is a square of fields or cells, that the players’ workers and buildings are placed on these squares, that workers can be moved, and that workers can add a floor to a building. Borrowing from the physical game, one can argue that "buildings" know that they may consist of at most four floors.The fourth floor is a blue rounded roof top.
all relevant data representations (for the relevant information)
all essential functions/methods, and
all the knowledge needed to understand what they mean.
Write up your interface specification as a single source file in your chosen language. A good specification will mix technical terms from your language (e.g. function headers, interfaces) and English (purpose statements or data definitions in untyped languages). Keep in mind that a specification must define all terms. Make sure to start the file with a purpose statement.