| The course is a studio course, with an emphasis on student presentations
and mutual learning, the syllabus of the course is by necessity. Here is a
rough outline of topics for the few lectures that will take place:
- Software Development qualities of programs; models of
development (waterfall versus iterative); strategic concepts: the story,
use cases, data definitions, test case development, patterns and software
- Data and Functionality principles of program design
(design recipes); data definitions: class hierarchies, class compositions,
responsibilities and methods
- Tests First what's a test? who tests? automatic
testing, unit tests (white box), system tests (black box)
- The Big Pattern: MVC model, view, control; listener or
observer pattern
- Composite Pattern --- presentation of language essays
- Command Pattern via Anonymous Inner Classes
- Code Walks modification of the T program
Days off: MLK: Jan 17, Spring Break: Feb 26-Mar 6 |