%% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% a test case for play-one-turn (Project 9) esac = %% a standard case xtrn %% a turn mesg %% the get message from the proxy player to admin done %% the done message that the proxy player sends %% the expected result: bool %% is this the end of the battle? borc %% the return card (or false) slst %% the discards from %% did the player take the cards from the stack or the deck? atta %% (possibly empty) list of attacks | %% A CASE THAT CAUSES A BEHAVIORAL CONTRACT ERROR xtrn %% a turn mesg %% the get message from the proxy player to admin done %% the done message that the proxy player sends | %% A CASE THAT CAUSES A TIMING CONTRACT ERROR xtrn %% a turn done %% the done message that the proxy player sends mesg ... %% a sequence of messages from the proxy player to admin resp = | %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% a turn (for testing "turn playing") xtrn = stck %% the deck stck %% the stack slst %% ALLIES bombers, attackable by AXIS fighters slst %% AXIS bombers, attackable by ALLIES fighters %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% STACK stck = card ... %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% CARDS card = | | %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% MESSAGES mesg = | okay = %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% FINAL MESSAGE done = borc slst atck ... | card slst atck ... atck = squd %% the fighters and ... squd %% ... the bombers that they attack %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% SQUADRONs squd = card ... %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% BOOLEAN bool = | borc = | card %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% LIST OF SQUADRONS slst = squd ... %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% the FROM format from = | %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% a list of attacks atta = atck ...