On this page:
3.1 Structural Problems
3.2 Accumulators
3.3 One Function per Task

3 Design with Accumulators

3.1 Structural Problems

#lang racket

(require rackunit)

;; [Listof Number] -> [Listof Number]
;; Given a list of relative distances (lord),
;; produce a list of absolute distances

;; EXAMPLE: given (1 10 3 7), produce (1 11 14 21)

(define (absolute lord)
    [(empty? lord) ()]
    [else (cons (first lord)
                (add2all (first lord)
                         (absolute (rest lord))))]))

;; Number [Listof Number] -> [Listof Number]
;; add n to all numbers on lon
(define (add2all n lon)
    [(empty? lon) ()]
    [else (cons (+ (first lon) n) (add2all n (rest lon)))]))

(check-equal? (absolute (1 2 3)) (1 3 6))
(check-equal? (absolute (1 10 3 7)) (1 11 14 21))

Figure 9: Absolute and relative distances (structurally)

#lang racket

(require rackunit)

;; [Tree Atom] is one of:
;; Atom
;; (list [Tree Atom] [Tree Atom])

;; DEF: The distance of an atom to the root of the tree is
;; the number of cons to be traversed to reach the atom.

;; [Tree Symbol] -> [Tree Number]
;; replace each symbol by its distance to the root of the tree

;; EXAMPLE: given (list a (list a b))
;; produce (list 1 (list 2 2))
;; * *
;; / \ / \
;; a * ===> 1 *
;; / \ / \
;; a b 2 2

(define (replace-height t)
    [(symbol? t) 0]
        (push1* (replace-height (first t)))
        (push1* (replace-height (second t))))]))

;; [Tree Number] -> [Tree Number]
;; add 1 to all numbers in the tree
(define (push1* t)
    [(number? t) (add1 t)]
    [else (list (push1* (first t)) (push1* (second t)))]))

(check-equal? (replace-height (list a (list a b)))
              (list 1 (list 2 2)))

Figure 10: Trees and their depth (structurally)

3.2 Accumulators

#lang racket

(require rackunit)

;; [Listof Number] -> [Listof Number]
;; Given a list of relative distances (lord),
;; produce a list of absolute distances

;; EXAMPLE: given (1 10 3 7), produce (1 11 14 21)

(define (absolute lord0)
  ;; [Listof Number] Number -> [Listof Number]
  ;; accumulator: so-far is the distance between lord0 and lord
  (define (absolute lord so-far)
      [(empty? lord) ()]
      [else (let ([d (+ (first lord) so-far)])
              (cons d (absolute (rest lord) d)))]))
  ;; IN
  (absolute lord0 0))

(check-equal? (absolute (1 2 3)) (1 3 6))
(check-equal? (absolute (1 10 3 7)) (1 11 14 21))

Figure 11: Absolute and relative distances (accumulated)

#lang racket

(require rackunit)

;; [Tree Atom] is one of:
;; Atom
;; (list [Tree Atom] [Tree Atom])

;; DEF: The distance of an atom to the root of the tree is
;; the number of cons to be traversed to reach the atom.

;; [Tree Symbol] -> [Tree Number]
;; replace each symbol by its distance to the root of the tree

;; EXAMPLE: given (list a (list a b))
;; produce (list 1 (list 2 2))
;; * *
;; / \ / \
;; a * ===> 1 *
;; / \ / \
;; a b 2 2

(define (replace-height t0)
  ;; [Tree Symbol] Number -> [Tree Number]
  ;; accumulator: depth is distance of t to root of t0
  (define (replace-height t depth)
      [(symbol? t) depth]
      [else (list (replace-height (first t) (+ depth 1))
                  (replace-height (second t) (+ depth 1)))]))
  ;; IN
  (replace-height t0 0))

(check-equal? (replace-height (list a (list a b)))
              (list 1 (list 2 2)))

Figure 12: Trees and their depth (accumulated)

3.3 One Function per Task

#lang racket

(require rackunit)

;; [Listof Symbol] -> [Listof Number]
;; replace the symbols in los0 with the frequency of occurrence

;; EXAMPLE: given (a b c a a) produce (3 1 1 3 3)

(define (frequency-transform los0)

  ;; intermediate data structures use hash tables as an
  ;; intermediary data structure: FREQS = [Hash Symbol Number]

  ;; [Listof Symbol] FREQS -> FREQS
  ;; collect the frequencies at which symbols occur
  ;; accumulator: h counts occurrences of symbols
  ;; between los and los0
  (define (freq los h)
      [(empty? los) h]
       (freq (rest los) (hash-update h (first los) add1 0))]))

  ;; [Listof Symbol] FREQS -> [Listof Number]
  ;; replace symbols in l with their frequencies from h
  (define (replace l h)
      [(empty? l) ()]
       (cons (hash-ref h (first l)) (replace (rest l) h))]))

  ;; IN
  (define frequency-of-occurrence (histogram los0 #hash()))
  (replace los0 frequency-of-occurrence))

(check-equal? (frequency-transform (a b c a a)) (3 1 1 3 3))

Figure 13: Intermediate data and accumulators