©2003, 2002 Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi
PREREQUISITE: 7. The Varieties of Data
TEACHPACK: draw.ss
Many programs interact with users via keystrokes. Text editing programs interpret every keystroke. Some indicate that the user is typing plain text; others request that the editor changes fonts, transposes words, and so on. Game programs also heavily use arrow keys. They allow players to move objects, fire weapons, open locks, and so on.
The draw.ss teachpack supports programs that wish to observe a user's keystroke actions when the teachpack's canvas is the active window. Every keystroke is an event. DrScheme observes these events and provides a function that delivers the keystrokes, if the user has touched the keyboard. Clearly, the first thing we need then is a data definition that describes this class of events:1
A KeyEvent is either
, i.e., false, if the user didn't press a key;a
, e.g.,#\a
, if the user pressed an alphanumeric key,a
, e.g.,'up
, if the user pressed a special key (or other events happened).
The data definition puts together an interesting mix of distinct
classes of data into one class. Naturally, a function that consumes and
processes a KeyEvent
must distinguish all those cases.
The second thing we need is a function that observes the events and delivers them, one at a time:
;;get-key-event : -> KeyEvent
;; observes the keyboard and producesKeyEvent
s as they happen
When a program evaluates (get-key-event)
and the user has
triggered some event with the keyboard since the last time the expression
was evaluated, the expression produces a character or a symbol. If not, it
just produces false.
Now consider the following sample function:
;;move-how-far? : KeyEvent -> Number
;; to interpret a'left
keystroke as a move ;; into the appropriate direction by 10 pixels (define (move-how-far? ke) (cond [(boolean? ke) 0] [(char? ke) 0] [else ; we now know that(symbol? ke)
is true (cond [(symbol=? 'left ke) -10] [(symbol=? 'right ke) +10] [else 0])]))
It consumes a keystroke and produces the number of pixels that some object
has to move to the left (negative) or right (positive). The cond
expression distinguishes the three subclasses of data in the data
definition; the nested cond
recognizes the kind of key that the
user pressed.
Since KeyEvent
s are reported as ordinary forms of data, we can
also make and test examples for this function:
(move-how-far? false) "should be" 0 (move-how-far? #\a) "should be" 0 (move-how-far? 'left) "should be" -10 (move-how-far? 'up) "should be" 0
Once the function is tested with obvious inputs, we can compose it with
and use it on true input data in a program like this:
(start 300 300) (sleep-for-a-while 3) (move-how-far? (get-key-event))
This expression checks whether any keystroke has happened and produces a number.
When we design programs that react to keystrokes, we usually need to
process many keystrokes, not just one. With what we know so far, we can't
process more than a fixed number of KeyEvent
s. To overcome this
obstacle, we need to use one function per program whose design is beyond
the level of this section. Take a look at figure 1 for
one such function. This small program runs for several seconds. During
that time, it draws the ball, sleeps for a while to allow users to see the
object, clears the object, and moves it left or right, depending on user
input. Then it repeats the process. Drawing and clearing the object from
the canvas in rapid succession at different locations gives the impression
of a quickly moving object.
Teaching Note: The goal is still to keep the functional portion separated from the event-based portion. To this end, we use a program design discipline that separates the action into one generative recursive function (always provided), which controls the game and intercepts the keystrokes, and ordinary functions in the sense of HtDP, Part I that accomplish the work. This is also a good strategy for a realistic implementation.
Exercise 1.1.1.
Copy and paste the above program for moving a red ball on a canvas into
DrScheme and use the program to move the ball around. Adjust the argument
to sleep-for-a-while
to your computer. Solution
Exercise 1.1.2.
Design the function up-or-down
, which consumes a
and produces true
when the input is
, 'down
, #\u
, or #\d
. Solution
Exercise 1.1.3.
Design move-4-directions
. The function consumes a
and produces a Posn
. The latter represents how
far the ball on the canvas has to move in one of the four directions
, 'right
, 'up
). Solution
Figure 2: Stopping a UFO
The goal of this extended exercise is to develop a simple interactive game. Imagine the approach of a UFO, falling out of the blue sky. You're riding a modern AUP (anti-UFO platform), and your task is to stop the UFO from crossing the line, i.e., the bottom of the canvas. Your powerful AUP can move left or right, and it can shoot at the UFO in straight lines. The means of last resort is to make sure the UFO crashes into your AUP. If the UFO makes it across the line, you lost; otherwise you win.
Figure 2 illustrates what the scene may look like. The (green) saucer on the canvas is the UFO; the line at the bottom is your AUP. The straight lines going up and through the UFO are the shots that the AUP fired.
The section consists of three subsections. Each corresponds to a stage in the design process. The subsections illustrate what we call the iterative refinement process (see section 16). The goal of iterative refinement is to implement the core functionality of a product and to add pieces of the functionality step by step. Here we present the method via an example; take a look at the sections on iterative refinement in How to Design Programs for a thorough description of the idea.
PREREQUISITE: 6.1 Structures
TEACHPACK: draw.ss
The first goal is to create a UFO that drops from the top of a canvas to the bottom. The function that does the repetitive work and the fragment that starts the game are defined in figure 3. The following exercises show how to fill in the dots.
;;UFO -> Boolean
;; fly UFO until it lands on bottom (define (fly-until-down ufo) (cond [(at-bottom? ufo) true] [else (and (draw-ufo ufo) (sleep-for-a-while .05) (clear-ufo ufo) (fly-until-down (move-ufo ufo)))])) ... ;; Constants (define WIDTH 200) (define HEIGHT 500) ;; run program, run (start WIDTH HEIGHT) (fly-until-down (create-ufo (random WIDTH)))
Figure 3: Flying a UFO
We adopt the usual conventions from physics and think of the UFO as just a position on the canvas:
A UFO is a Posn
When we draw the UFO we think of it as a green disk whose center
is the Posn
with which we represent it. Or, we think of it as
something more elaborate, but for now this doesn't matter. We can always
change our understanding; we just need to keep in mind what the
represents. To remind ourselves of this relationship
(between data and information), we call the Posn
that represents
a UFO an anchor point.
Exercise 2.1.1.
Design the function create-ufo
, which consumes a number
and produces a UFO whose anchor point is at the top of the
canvas n
pixels to the right of the canvas
origin. Solution
Exercise 2.1.2.
Design the function move-ufo
, which consumes a UFO
(representation) and produces one whose anchor point is 3
below the given one.
Modify move-ufo
so that it produces a UFO
that has
dropped 3
pixels and has moved randomly to the left or right by
up to 4
Hint: Use the function random
, which consumes a positive number
and produces a number between 0
(inclusive) and
(exclusive). Two consecutive calls may or may not produce the
same number. Design the function random-range
, which consumes
and produces a number between - n and + n.
Challenge: Revise move-ran-ufo
so that a UFO
that has
disappeared on the left or right of the canvas reappears on the other side
for the next time slice. Modify fly-until-down
so that it uses
. Solution
Exercise 2.1.3.
Design the function at-bottom?
, which consumes a UFO
(representation) and determines whether its anchor point is level with, or
below, the bottom of the canvas. Solution
Exercise 2.1.4.
Design the function draw-ufo
, which consumes the representation of
a ufo and draws it on the canvas.
Also design clear-ufo
, which consumes the representation of a ufo and
clears it from the canvas.
Draw the UFO as a green disk of radius 3
around the anchor point.
For the ambitious, draw the UFO as a green line of length 20
a disk of radius 3
in the center. Solution
Now watch the UFO fly down from top to bottom (in a random walk).
PREREQUISITE: 7.1 Varieties of Data
TEACHPACK: draw.ss
Now it's time to develop our defenses. An AUP defends the bottom of the canvas where it can move left or right.
Exercise 2.2.1. Develop a (minimalist) data definition for AUPs. Solution
Exercise 2.2.2.
Design the function create-aup
, which consumes a number
and produces an AUP
that is n
pixels to the
right of the canvas's left margin. Solution
Exercise 2.2.3.
Design move-aup
. The function consumes an AUP
(representation) and a KeyEvent
. It produces an AUP
has moved to the left or right by one (1
) pixel, if the player
has pressed the left or right arrow key; otherwise, it just returns the
given AUP
. Solution
Exercise 2.2.4.
Design the function draw-aup
, which consumes a AUP
draws it on the canvas.
Also design clear-aup
, which consumes a AUP
and clears it from
the canvas.
Think of the AUP as a blue line of with
. Solution
;;AUP -> Boolean
;; move anAUP
at mostn
times (define (move-n-times n an-aup) (cond [(zero? n) true] [else (and (draw-aup an-aup) (sleep-for-a-while .05) (clear-aup an-aup) (move-n-times (sub1 n) (move-aup an-aup (get-key-event))))])) ... ;; Constants (define WIDTH 200) (define HEIGHT 500) ;; run program, run (start WIDTH HEIGHT) (move-n-times 10000 (create-aup 0))
Figure 4: Controlling an AUP
The program fragment in figure 4 allows players to control an
. It ``loops'' 10000
times and checks on keyboard
events. It requires well-developed solutions for all the exercises in this
subsection. Don't rush. Follow the design recipe.
PREREQUISITE: 7.1 Varieties of Data
TEACHPACK: draw.ss
With UFOs and AUPs in place we can create our first interactive game. Roughly speaking, we need to merge the code from figures 3 and 4 and, if we want to make it truly convenient, we should also create a function that produces an announcement about the winners and losers. Figure 5 shows the program fragment that performs all these tasks. The following exercises specify the few remaining tasks before this game can run.
;;String -> String
;; letname
defend against a UFO (define (main name) (announcement (fly-until-down (create-ufo (/ WIDTH 2)) (create-aup (/ WIDTH 2))) name)) ;;UFO AUP -> Boolean
;; if the UFO is caught, producetrue
(define (fly-until-down ufo aup) (cond [(at-bottom? ufo) (landed-on-aup? aup ufo)] [else (and (draw-scene ufo aup) (sleep-for-a-while .05) (clear-scene ufo aup) (fly-until-down (move-ran-ufo ufo) (move-aup aup (get-key-event))))])) ... ;; Constants (define WIDTH 200) (define HEIGHT 500) ;; run program, run (start WIDTH HEIGHT) (main "your name here")
Figure 5: Crashing a UFO
Exercise 2.3.1.
Design the function announcement
. It consumes a Boolean
which represents the result of dropping the UFO and defending with an AUP,
and a String
, which is the name of the player. From these it
produces a string that announces whether the player has won. Hint: The
primitive string-append
concatenates two
strings. Solution
Exercise 2.3.2.
Design the function draw-scene
. It consumes an AUP
and draws them on the canvas.
Also design clear-scene
, which consumes a AUP
and a
and clears them from the canvas.
The functions should return true
if both drawing or clearing
actions succeed. Solution
Exercise 2.3.3.
Design the function landed-on-aup?
. It determines whether some
given UFO
has landed on a given AUP
. Hint: Recall the
geometric interpretation that goes with each data representation. Then
draw pictures and determine what it means to figure out whether the two
geometric shapes overlap. Approximate ``landing'' as best as you can;
expect to see these simplifications as you play the
game. Solution
PREREQUISITE: 7.1 Varieties of Data
TEACHPACK: draw.ss
The chief engineer has figured out how to let AUP's fire a gun -- once. This means that an AUP now has two chances to stop the UFO. Either the AUP shoots and that one shot hits the UFO or it manages to stop the UFO via a crash. We already have a program that does the latter; let's develop a program that simulates the new ability to shoot.
Exercise 2.4.1. Develop a data definition for representing a shot. Make up examples and show what each example means in figure 2. Solution
Exercise 2.4.2.
Design the function create-shot
, which consumes a Posn
representing the position of the AUP, and produces the representation of a
shot that has just left the AUP. Assume the shot leaves from the middle of
the AUP. Solution
Exercise 2.4.3.
Design the function move-shot
, which consumes a Shot
(representation) and produces one that has risen 5
pixels. Solution
Exercise 2.4.4.
Design the function draw-shot
, which consumes the representation
of a shot and draws it on the canvas.
Also design clear-shot
, which consumes the representation of a
shot and clears it from the canvas.
Think of a shot as a vertical red line of length
. Solution
Now the code in figure 6 almost works for AUPs that can fire
one shot. It is similar to the function in figure 5 except
that it stops the game when the UFO is hit and it needs to manage key
events for two functions, move-aup
and create-shot
, not
just one.
;;String -> String
;; letname
defend against a UFO (define (main name) (announcement (fly-until-down (create-ufo (/ WIDTH 2)) (create-aup (/ WIDTH 2)) false) name)) ;;UFO AUP (Shot or false) -> Boolean
;; if the UFO is caught, producetrue
(define (fly-until-down ufo an-aup a-shot) (cond [(at-bottom? ufo) (landed-on-aup? an-aup ufo)] [(and (not (boolean? a-shot)) (hit-shot? a-shot ufo)) (draw-scene ufo an-aup a-shot)] [else (and (draw-scene ufo an-aup a-shot) (sleep-for-a-while .05) (clear-scene ufo an-aup a-shot) (manage (get-key-event) (move-ufo ufo) an-aup (move-shot/f a-shot)))])) ;;KeyEvent UFO AUP (Shot or false) -> Boolean
(define (manage ke ufo an-aup a-shot) (cond [(boolean? ke) (fly-until-down ufo an-aup a-shot)] [(char? ke) (fly-until-down ufo an-aup a-shot)] [(symbol=? ke 'up) (cond [(boolean? a-shot) (fly-until-down ufo an-aup (create-shot an-aup))] [else (fly-until-down ufo an-aup a-shot)])] [else (fly-until-down ufo (move-aup an-aup ke) a-shot)])) ;;(Short or false) -> (Shot or false)
(define (move-shot/f a-shot) (cond [(boolean? a-shot) a-shot] [else (move-shot a-shot)])) ... ;; Constants (define WIDTH 200) (define HEIGHT 500) ;; run program, run (start WIDTH HEIGHT) (main "your name here")
Figure 6: Crashing or shooting down a UFO
Exercise 2.4.5.
Revise draw-scene
and clear-scene
exercise 2.3.2. In addition to an AUP
and a
they now also consume a Shot/f
, which is defined as
;; A Shot/f is one of the following: ;; --- a shot ; (see exercise 2.4.1) ;; --- false
Hint: Although Shot/f
is the last argument, think of it as the
primary argument for the design. Solution
Exercise 2.4.6.
Design the function hit-shot?
, which determines whether a shot has
hit a UFO. The function consumes an Shot
and a UFO
. It
produces true
if there is any overlap between the UFO
and Shot
. Hint: Recall the geometric interpretation that goes
with each data representation. Then draw pictures and determine what it
means to figure out whether the two geometric shapes overlap. Approximate
``hit by a shot'' as best as you can; expect to see these simplifications
as you play the game. Enjoy! Solution
PREREQUISITE: 10.2 Lists that Contain Structures
TEACHPACK: draw.ss
The true goal is to simulate an AUP-UFO fight like the one in figure 2. The AUP in the figure can obviously fire many shots, not just one. Since ``many'' clearly means ``arbitrary'' and ``unknown'', we need a list of shots. Put differently, we need to revise all the data definitions and all the functions that deal with shots.
Exercise 2.5.1.
Develop a data definition for representing a list of
s. Solution
Exercise 2.5.2.
Design the function move-all-shots
, which consumes a list of
shots and produces one where each shot has been moved with
. Solution
Exercise 2.5.3.
Design the function draw-all-shots
, which consumes a list of
shots, draws all of them, and produces true
if all drawing
actions succeed.
Design the function clear-all-shots
, which consumes a list of
shots, clears all of them, and produces true
if all drawing
actions succeed. Solution
Exercise 2.5.4.
Design the function hit-by-shot?
. It consumes a list of
s and a UFO
. It produces true
if one of the
s has hit the UFO
; it produces false
none of the Shot
s has hit the
. Solution
Exercise 2.5.5.
Revise draw-scene
and clear-scene
exercise 2.4.5. Instead of a Shot/f
the functions now consume a list of
s. Solution
;;String -> String
;; letname
defend against a UFO (define (main name) (announcement (fly-until-down (create-ufo (/ WIDTH 2)) (create-aup (/ WIDTH 2)) empty) name)) ;;UFO AUP (Shot or false) -> Boolean
;; if the UFO is caught, producetrue
(define (fly-until-down ufo an-aup shots) (cond [(at-bottom? ufo) (landed-on-aup? an-aup ufo)] [(hit-by-shot? shots ufo) (draw-scene ufo an-aup shots)] [else (and (draw-scene ufo an-aup shots) (sleep-for-a-while .05) (clear-scene ufo an-aup shots) (manage (get-key-event) (move-ufo ufo) an-aup (move-all-shots shots)))])) ;;KeyEvent UFO AUP (Shot or false) -> Boolean
(define (manage ke ufo an-aup shots) (cond [(boolean? ke) (fly-until-down ufo an-aup shots)] [(char? ke) (fly-until-down ufo an-aup shots)] [(symbol=? ke 'up) (fly-until-down ufo an-aup (cons (create-shot an-aup) shots))] [else (fly-until-down ufo (move-aup an-aup ke) shots)])) ... ;; Constants (define WIDTH 200) (define HEIGHT 500) ;; run program, run (start WIDTH HEIGHT) (main "your name here")
Figure 7: Crashing or shooting down a UFO with many shots
It's time to play. And you're ready to play. The program fragment in figure 7 contains the code for a game that allows AUPs to fire many shots. After you have played enough, try to understand (write down) how the program evolved and how we planned out this series of exercises.
19 Similarities in Definitions
TEACHPACK: draw.ss
Take a second look at figure 1. The function
relies on two auxiliary functions: draw-shape
and clear-shape
. If the shape is just a ball, the two functions
just draw and clear a solid disk, respectively:
;; | ;; |
;; | ;; |
Clearly, the two pairs of functions are prime examples of functions with similar definitions. We can easily abstract over both pairs. For the second pair, we get this general function:
;; (Posn Number Number Symbol -> true) (Posn Number Symbol -> true) Posn -> true
(define (graphics-shape2 solid-rect solid-disk a-posn)
(and (solid-rect a-posn 1 10 'red)
(solid-disk a-posn 3 'red)))
To get back the two functions, we just pass in the appropriate primitives:
;; | ;; |
Exercise 2.6.1.
Modify graphics-shape2
so that the drive-ball
program in
figure 1 moves
a square of size 3
a cross-hair that intersect at the given Posn
a pair of intersecting disks (each of size 5
) that contain
the given Posn
in their intersection. Solution
Exercise 2.6.2.
Develop an abstract function for draw-ufo
and clear-ufo
from exercise 2.1.4. Solution
Exercise 2.6.3.
Develop an abstract function for draw-aup
and clear-aup
from exercise 2.2.4. Solution
Exercise 2.6.4.
Develop an abstract function for draw-scene
and clear-scene
from exercise 2.3.2. Solution
Exercise 2.6.5.
Develop an abstraction for draw-shot
and clear-shot
from exercise 2.4.4. Solution
21.2 Finger Exercises with Abstract List Functions
In addition to abstracting over similar functions, it is also good practice to define functions with applications of existing abstractions. Scheme provides a number of ``loops'', i.e., functions that traverse a piece of data and apply some give function to each ``stop'' during the traversal. For example,
(map move-shot (list (make-posn 100 500) (make-posn 100 460) (make-posn 120 420)))
applies the function move-shot
to each Shot
) on the given list. The result is the list
(list (make-posn 100 492) (make-posn 100 452) (make-posn 120 412))
In short, the expression moves an entire list of shots.
Exercise 2.6.6.
Use map
to define move-all-shots
exercise 2.5.2. Solution
Exercise 2.6.7.
Use andmap
to define draw-all-shots
exercise 2.5.3. Solution
Exercise 2.6.8.
Use ormap
to define hit-by-shot?
exercise 2.5.4. Solution
Now that play some more, but use this second draft of the program.
1 Recall that char?
the predicate that recognizes characters and that char=?
is a predicate for comparing characters.