Sound Teachpack for HtDP
You may download and install the sound teachpacks as follows:
- Download the
sound-teachpack.plt for v. 204 and before
or the
sound-teachpack-205.plt for v. 205
bundle. Save it to your desktop.
- Start DrScheme.
- Select `File | Install .plt File' in DrScheme. Choose the `File' tab
and then use the `Browse' button to find the sound-teachpack.plt file that
you downloaded in step 1.
- Click on Open.
Now close DrScheme.
Documentation: After installation, open Help Desk and
search for "sound" in the search bar at the bottom. Read the documentation
on the three functions that the teachpack makes available and take a quick
look at the words that it provides.
Status: The teachpack works on Unix/X and OS X.