Email, Office Hours, Etc.

talk to us

Staff Information





Office Hours





matthias @ ccs.neu.edu


W 05:00–06:30


308 B


plus by apt. via email



leif @ leifandersen.net


via email


308 desk



becker.su @ husky.neu.edu


M 06:30–07:30pm


308 piazza



julbinb @ gmail.com


F 43:00–05:00


308 piazza


plus by apt. via sign-up sheet



jamner.d @ husky.neu.edu


M 07:30–08:30pm


308 piazza

Announcements The front page of the course’s web site is also the announcement page. Most of the announcements will point to small corrections to the weekly projects and responses to general email inquiries.

Consult it at least once per day.

Piazza You may use Piazza to discuss the course material and the homework problems (in general terms). We may answer a question once. Anybody who asks the same or a similar question again shows disrespect for our time; so we will not answer an already-answered question a second time.

If an answer demands a correction to a homework assignment, the change will be announced on the course homepage.

Email You are welcome to send email to the course staff and you are almost always guaranteed to get an answer within 24 hours, If you send email to other addresses, we will ignore them because they violate the course specifications, and learning to live up to specifications is critical.

Office Hours You may see anyone with questions concerning the design of code to solve a weekly homework problem.

But, because we don’t know all the languages you chose and know all of them to different degrees, we cannot and will not help you with the details of your chosen language. The point of letting you choose is to let you figure out how to find, distill, and apply language-specific resources. You will quickly see how to adapt this to the languages that your future employers choose for you.

Different members of the staff play different roles, and you must keep this in mind when you visit someone during office hours.