7 — Simple Types (b)
Due Tuesday, 27 Feb; 9:00am
; Problem Set 7 ; Lastname1, Firstname1 ; Lastname2, Firstname2
lang.rkt, for the revised language implementation,
client.rkt, for the revised language client file,
Here are the grammar descriptions of the network flow programming
languages, slightly revised from 6 —
t | = | Edge | ||
| | Node | |||
| | Weight | |||
| | Path | |||
| | [Listof t] | |||
| | (t -> t) |
n | = | (node x e ...) |
q | = | (solve x x e) |
e | = | x | ||
| | (λ ({x : t}) e) | |||
| | (e e) | |||
| | (if0 e e e) | |||
| | w | |||
| | (o e e) | |||
| | argmax | |||
| | argmin | |||
| | (edge x e) | |||
| | (edge-to e) | |||
| | (edge-cost e) | |||
| | (cons e e) | |||
| | (first e) | |||
| | (rest e) | |||
| | (empty t) | |||
| | (empty? e) | |||
| | (path e e) | |||
| | (path-cost e) | |||
| | (path-list e) | |||
o | = | + | ||
| | - | |||
| | * | |||
| | / |
; — the definitions (define maximizer ((Path -> Weight) -> ([Listof Path] -> Path)) (λ ({f (Path -> Weight)}) (λ ({p* [Listof Path]}) (path (if0 (empty? p*) 0 (path-cost ((argmax f) p*))) (empty Node))))) (define to-b Edge (edge b 10)) (define to-c Edge (edge c 20)) (define to-both [Listof Edge] (cons to-b (cons to-c (empty Edge)))) ; — the network (node a to-both) (node b (edge d 30)) (node c (edge d 30)) (node d) ; — the question (solve a d maximizer)
The Type System
(⊢p p), read as "without context, program p is provably well-typed"
(⊢n G n), read as "in type context G, we can prove node specification n well-typed"
(⊢q G q), read as "in type context G, we can prove question q well-typed"
(⊢e G e t), read as "in type context G, we can prove expression e has type t"
The specific type rules follow. They imply scoping rules.
Typing Programs
(⊢e G e_d t_d) ... |
(⊢n G n) ... |
(⊢q G q) |
where G = ({x_d t_d} ... {x_n Node} ...) |
--------------------------------------------------------- p |
(⊢p (define x_d t_d e_d) ... |
n = (node x_n e_n ...) ... |
q) |
Typing Nodes
(⊢e G e_n Edge) ... |
--------------------------------------------------------- node-seq |
(⊢n G (node x_n e_n ...)) |
(⊢e G e_n [Listof Edge]) |
--------------------------------------------------------- node-list |
(⊢n G (node x_n e_n)) |
The first rule deals with a node specification where each outgoing edge is specified individually; the second one allows programmers to "insert" an entire list of outgoing edges (probably specified in separate definition as in the above example in figure 3).
Typing Queries
(⊢e G x_from Node) |
(⊢e G x_to Node) |
(⊢e G e t) |
where t = ((Path -> Weight) -> ([Listof Path] -> Path)) |
--------------------------------------------------------- question |
(⊢q G (solve x_from x_to e)) |
Typing Expressions
where ((x_1 t_1) ... (x t) (x_2 t_2) ...) = G |
--------------------------------------------------------- variable |
(⊢e G x t) |
where t = ((Path -> Weight) -> ([Listof Path] -> Path)) |
--------------------------------------------------------- argmax |
(⊢e G argmax t) |
(where t = ((Path -> Weight) -> ([Listof Path] -> Path))) |
--------------------------------------------------------- argmin |
(⊢e G argmin t) |
(⊢e ((x t_dom) (x_1 t_1) ...) e t_rng) |
--------------------------------------------------------- lambda |
(⊢e ((x_1 t_1) ...) (λ ({x t_dom}) e) (t_dom -> t_rng)) |
(⊢e G e_fun (t_dom -> t_rng)) |
(⊢e G e_arg t_dom) |
--------------------------------------------------------- fun-app |
(⊢e G (e_fun e_arg) t_rng) |
(⊢e G e_con Weight) |
(⊢e G e_thn t) |
(⊢e G e_els t) |
--------------------------------------------------------- if0 |
(⊢e G (if0 e_con e_thn e_els) t) |
--------------------------------------------------------- lit-const |
(⊢e G w Weight) |
(⊢e G e_1 Weight) |
(⊢e G e_2 Weight) |
--------------------------------------------------------- operations |
(⊢e G (o e_1 e_2) Weight) |
(⊢e G e Weight) |
(⊢e G x Node) |
--------------------------------------------------------- edge |
(⊢e G (edge x e) Edge) |
(⊢e G e Edge) |
--------------------------------------------------------- edge-cost |
(⊢e G (edge-cost e) Weight) |
(⊢e G e Edge) |
--------------------------------------------------------- edge-to |
(⊢e G (edge-to e) Node) |
(⊢e G e_1 t) |
(⊢e G e_2 [Listof t]) |
--------------------------------------------------------- cons |
(⊢e G (cons e_1 e_2) [Listof t]) |
--------------------------------------------------------- empty |
(⊢e G (empty t) [Listof t]) |
(⊢e G e [Listof t]) |
--------------------------------------------------------- empty? |
(⊢e G (empty? e) Weight) |
(⊢e G e [Listof t]) |
--------------------------------------------------------- first |
(⊢e G (first e) t) |
(⊢e G e [Listof t]) |
--------------------------------------------------------- rest |
(⊢e G (rest e) t) |
The rules for typing lists use a common trick in mathematics: use a meta-variable (here t) to say that these types can be anything as long as they are the same. This avoids repetitive specifications even if the specified language lacks abstraction (for this facility) and the programmer will have to produce repeated code.
(⊢e G e_1 Weight) |
(⊢e G e_2 [Listof Node]) |
--------------------------------------------------------- path |
(⊢e G (path e_1 e_2) Path) |
(⊢e G e Path) |
--------------------------------------------------------- path-cost |
(⊢e G (path-cost e) Weight) |
(⊢e G e Path) |
--------------------------------------------------------- path-list |
(⊢e G (path-list e) [Listof Node]) |
Implement the typed network flow language using the libraries and macro-defining conventions that Stephen Chang developed during lecture.
Place the sample program from figure 3 into a separate client file and make sure it type checks.