D — A Final Exploration

Due Thursday, September 19, midnight


You must deliver your artifacts in a directory called D in your repository (master branch):
  • D, the executable for task 1.

All auxiliary files must be put into a sub-directory called Other.

Task 1 Implement a client for the TCP labyrinth server according to this protocol specification.

The client acts like the old client except that it accepts all well-formed JSON values that belong to StrJ. It does not check their validity, but if it cannot construct well-formed JSON values messages for the server from these inputs, it shuts down.

Parametrize D via command-line arguments over the IP address of the server and the destination port. If the command-line arguments are missing, use "localhost" and port 8000 as the respective defaults.

Note In addition to this last assignment concerning your TAHBPL, you must also work out the first step of the semester project, see 1 — Requirements & Plans.


Switching Languages for the Semester Project

You have come to the end of the “teenage-heartbreak programming language” exploration phase. If you no longer love your “teenage heartbreak” language, you may switch to a different language with the following steps:
  • Confirm on your own that you can easily use your new language to

    • deal with command-line arguments

    • STDIN

    • TCP sockets or ports

    • unit testing

    • JSON reading and writing

    The above points are a minimum not a comprehensive set of concepts you will acquire on the side for software system construction. Over the course of the semester, your chosen language will have to support other essential concepts from software systems building. This aspect of our course simulates the real world and the need to work around it.

  • Write a memo that explains in one paragraph why you are abandoning your originally chosen language and in another how you have assured that you are familiar with the above concepts in your new language.

    Please hand-deliver this short memo to the lead instructor during office hours. Add the sentence

    We, the signers of this document, assure Matthias that we have explored our new language via active programming exploration.

    and sign the memo with a pen (both partners).