Due date: 2/2 : NOON
Representing Stacks, Decks, and Hands
Task 1: [POINTS: 25] It is now time to design all basic,
obviously needed data representations: stacks, decks, and hands (how
players organize their cards).
To get you started, the listing below transliterates the interfaces from
my Scheme implementation into quasi-code that everyone should be able to
create : card/c -> stack/c
;; creates a stack from a single card
depth : stack/c -> int
;; how many cards are on the stack?
push : stack/c card/c -> stack/c
;; add a card to the stack
take : stack/c int -> (listof card/c)
;; (take s n) returns the first n cards from this stack
pop! : stack/c int -> stack/c
;; creates a stack by removing the first n cards from this stack
create : -> deck/c
;; create a deck using the standard (directory) order of cards
shuffle : deck/c -> deck/c
;; shuffle this deck (reasonably) randomly
empty? : deck/c -> boolean?
;; is this deck empty?
take : deck/c -> card/c
;; look at the top card from this deck
;; ASSSUME: non-empty-deck/c
pop : deck/c -> deck/c
;; remove the top card from this deck
list_to_deck : (listof card/c) -> deck/c
;; create a deck from a list of cards
deck_to_list : deck/c -> (listof card/c)
;; convert this deck to a list (needed?)
A "hand" is how the player organizes the cards on his hand. This is of
course completely up to you. Some people don't organize their cards at
all; others are hyper-organized and plan ahead. You will need to implement
the following functions, however, which also involves designing a
representation of squadrons:
create : (listof card/c) -> hand/c
;; organize a list of cards as a hand
hand_to_list : hand/c -> (listof card/c)
;; convert the hand into a list of cards
size : hand/c -> int
;; how many cards are on this hand?
value : hand/c -> int
;; determine the value of a hand (10 for bomber, 5 per fighter)
completes : hand/c -> (listof squadron/c)
;; determines the complete squadrons on this hand
wildcards : hand/c -> (listof wild-card/c)
;; determine the available wild-cards on a hand
complementable : hand/c -> (listof squadron/c)
;; which squadrons can benefit from one or two wild-cards
;; [sorted by size]
plus : hand/c (listof card/c) -> hand/c
;; (plus h c) creates a hand from h and c
minus : hand/c (listof card/c) -> hand/c
;; (minus h c) creates a hand by removing c from h
Squadron = [listof card/c]
squadron-first-craft : squadron/c -> aircraft/c
;; extract an aircraft card from this squadron
squadron-alliance : squadron/c -> alliance/c
;; to which alliance does this squadron belong?
squadron-name : squadron/c -> string?
;; what is the name of this squadron?
squadron-complete? : squadron/c -> boolean?
;; is this squadron complete?
squadron-incomplete? : squadron/c -> boolean?
;; is this squadron complete?
squadron-fighter? : squadron/c -> boolean?
;; is this a fighter squadron?
squadron-bomber? : squadron/c -> boolean?
;; is this a bomber squadron?
squadron-value : squadron/c -> natural-number/c
;; what is the value of this squadron?
Task 2: [POINTS: 4] Explain with a paragraph of at most 50 words
(per concept) why Stack
requires take
, why
needs empty?
, why Hand
with wildcards
, and why a representation for
is needed (and what it entails). To get full
credit, your explanation must trace the needs for these functions and
data representations back to specific use cases.
Task 3: [POINTS: 10] Develop two interfaces for (a
representation of) Turn
s, Player
s, and
s. Use the above notation. Explain each choice
with a single paragraph.