Due date: 2/10 : NOON
Representing Players and Turns
It is now time to look at the big picture again. The eventual goal is to
have a Squadron Scramble game system that can pitch a number of different
automatic players against each other. You may even consider including a
human player later.
The last project created the basic ingredients for an automatic player:
representations of cards, decks, stacks, hands, and squadrons. Based on
these you can now implement an automatic player and test it rigorously
before you link it into a game administrator (possibly your own).
New Task 0: [POINTS: 5, by Friday NOON only] Draw a sequence
diagram for the implicitly proposed interaction between the game
administrator and players of Squadron Scramble.
Task 1: [POINTS: 20] Implement a Squadron Scramble
. The purpose of a turn
object is to
represent the (sub)state of the game that the player needs to know to play
the game, assuming the player encapsulates its own state. In our case,
this means the deck, the discard stack, the discarded bomber squadrons of
the other players. For completeness sake, my turn
representation also includes the name of the player whose turn it
is. (This alludes to the idea that the administrator could also keep track
of the player's state and hand it back for a turn.)
In addition, a turn
must also include methods that allow the
player to perform all legal game actions. As discussed in class, a
software designer must make a trade-off here, either equipping the turn
with imperative actions that record the actions or demanding a record of
the actions as a part of the player's take-turn
values. The signature of turn
shows that I have come up with
a compromise solution: the actions of taking cards from the deck or stack
are imperative capabilities of the turn
object while attacks
and discarded squadrons are recorded in the result of the
's take-turn
Turn Interface:
;; Turn-to-Player INTERFACE
turn-card-on-deck? : turn/c -> boolean?
;; is there are a card on the deck?
turn-get-a-card-from-deck : turn/c -> card/c
;; get a card from this turn's deck
turn-stack-inspect : turn/c -> (listof card/c)
;; what cards are available from this turn's stack?
turn-get-cards-from-stack : turn/c int -> (listof card/c)
;; take a bunch of cards from the stack during this turn
turn-can-attack? : turn/c alliance/c
(listof squadron/c)
;; which players/bombers can you attack in this turn
;; given an fighter squadron belonging to an alliance?
;; Turn-to-Administrator INTERFACE
create-turn : string?
(listof squadron/c)
;; create a turn that assumes the player isn't cheating
turn-end : turn/c -> from/c
;; did the turn use the top-most card on the
;; deck or some number of stack cards
where the result of a call to
is represented via the
following data:
/ \
| |
// how many cards // player took one
// were taken? // card from deck
+------------------+ +------------------+
| FromStack | | FromDeck |
+------------------+ +------------------+
| int n | +------------------+
Task 2: [POINTS: 20] Implement a Squadron Scramble
. In principle, such a player can pursue many
different strategies and can even switch strategies during a game. For
this assignment, your program must play the game as follows:
unless the deck is empty, it takes one card from the desk or a random
number of cards from the stack;
it forms as many complete fighter squadrons (using wild cards where
needed) to attack as many bomber squadrons as possible;
it discard as many complete remaining squadrons as possible; and
it returns a card.
Player Interface:
create : string? -> player/c
;; create a player with a (unique) name
player-name : player/c -> string?
;; request name from player
player-hand : player/c -> hand?
;; ask a player for its hand
player-first-hand : player/c (listof card/c) -> any
;; hand this player the first N cards
player-take-turn : player/c turn/c -> done?
;; grant this player a turn
where the result of a call to
is represented via the
following data:
| Done ABSTRACT | +-------------------+
+--------------------+ | Attack |
| Listof[Attack] a |---------->+-------------------+
| Listof[Squadron] d | | Squadron fighters |
+--------------------+ | Squadron bombers |
| +-------------------+
/ \
| |
// normal end // end of player's cards (at most 1 on hand)
+------------------+ +------------------+
| Ret | | End |
+------------------+ +------------------+
| Card r | | Card r | // NULL means no cards left
+------------------+ +------------------+