Due date: 9/28 @ at the beginning of class
Purpose: The goal of this problem set is to reinforce
programming with metafunctions.
Problem 1:
Here are two language definitions for representing finite state machines:
(define-language BASE
(STATE string)
(KEY "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M"
"N" "O" "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
"a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m"
"n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"
"0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9"))
(define-extended-language FSM-L BASE
(XFSM (fsm ((initial STATE)) FINAL FINAL ... TRANSITION ...))
(FINAL (final ((label STATE))))
(TRANSITION (transition ((current STATE) (next STATE)) ACTION ACTION ...))
(ACTION (action ((key KEY)))))
(define-extended-language TOP FSM-L
(FSM (fsm STATE (STATE STATE ...) ((STATE (KEY KEY ...) STATE) ...))))
Clearly, there is a natural equivalence between the two variants --
and FSM
-- of finite-state machine
specifications that TOP introduces. That is, for each instance of
there is an equivalent instance of a FSM
and vice versa.
Define three instances of an XFSM
and construct three
corresponding FSM
Design the following three functions:
- fsm-2-xfsm, which constructs an
from a
given FSM
- xfsm-2-fsm, which constructs an
from a
given XFSM
- stuck?, which determines whether an
instance is stuck for a given STATE
and KEY
Def.: A FSM is stuck if it does not contain a
transition that originates from the current STATE and
Formulate a logical conjecture about the relationship between
xfsm-2-fsm and fsm-2-xfsm via a metafunction.
Constraint Your solution must use the Redex programming
language for all problems. The function may escape to the Racket
programming language for simple tasks like consing an item onto a list.
Problem 2:
The simple-lang toy language is Algol-C-Java like
except for types. Here is one way to add types to the abstract syntax tree
(define-language simple-lang
(s (x ..._n = e ..._n)
(block d s ...))
(e x
(+ e e)
(d ((t x) ...))
(n number)
(x variable-not-otherwise-mentioned)
(t int float))
Each identifier declaration in a block comes with a type
specification. To keep the language simple, a type is either int
or float.
Design the function type-of, which consumes a statement and
produces its type. In contrast to the C programming language,
simple-lang assigns non-void types to statements: (1) the type of
an assignment statement is the type of the last variable on the left-hand
side and (2) the type of a block statement is the type of the last
statement in the block. In addition, type-of checks the following
the declared type of the ith variable on the left-hand side of an
assignment statement is equal to the type of the ith
expression on the right-hand side;
each statement inside of a block must have a type;
the type of a variable expression is the specified type of the closest
variable declaration;
the type of a number is int if it is an
and float otherwise;
the types of the two subexpression of an addition expression must be equal
and the type of the addition expression is the same as the type of its two
These rules correspond to those of Algol, C, and Java except that the
latter automatically convert int-typed expressions to
float-typed expressions.
If any component of the given statement fails to satisfy one of the above
constraints, type-of signals an error.
As a reminder, here is a function that looks up a type in a series of
typed variable declarations:
;; lookup the type of a variable in a list of type declarations
(define-metafunction simple-lang
lookup : x d -> t
[(lookup x ((t_1 x_1) ... (t x) (t_2 x_2) ...))
(side-condition (not (member (term x) (term (x_1 ...)))))]
[(lookup x d)
,(error 'lookup "~s has no type in ~s" (term x) (term d))])
(test-equal (term (lookup y ((int x) (float y) (int z)))) (term float))
(with-handlers ((exn:fail? void)) (term (lookup y ())) 'bad-float)
Constraint Your program may escape to Racket for two
reasons: (1) to determine the type of a number and (2) to signal an
Send in a single Racket file. Its name should
consist of the two last names in alphabetical order separated with a
hyphen; its suffix must be .rkt.
Your file must start with the following two lines:
;; NameOfPartner1, NameOfPartner2
;; email@of.partner1.com, email@of.partner2.com
appropriately instantiated of course. Also separate problems with lines of
the shape ";; " followed by 77 "="; for sub-problems use "-". Each gives
you a width of 80 chars. Stick to this width for all of your code; if you
also follow DrRacket's indentation rules, it ensures some readability.