Due date: 11/2 @ at the beginning of class
The goal of this problem set is to understand abstract register machines
and their relationship to the standard reduction semantics (textual
The module 8-provided.rkt specifies
another (standard) semantics for the simple-lang language:
(define ->sl-standard
[==> (block (d_1 ... (x n) d_2 ...) (in-hole S (+ n_1 n_2)) s_2 ...)
(block (d_1 ... (x n) d_2 ...) (in-hole S n_3) s_2 ...)
(where n_3 ,(+ (term n_1) (term n_2)))
[==> (block (d_1 ... (x n) d_2 ...) (in-hole S x) s_2 ...)
(block (d_1 ... (x n) d_2 ...) (in-hole S n) s_2 ...)
(side-condition (term (no-binding-for x S)))
[==> (block (d_1 ... (x n_o) d_2 ...) (in-hole S (x = n_n)) s_2 ...)
(block (d_1 ... (x n_n) d_2 ...) (in-hole S void) s_2 ...)
(side-condition (term (no-binding-for x S)))
[==> (block ((x n) ...) void s ...) (block ((x n) ...) s ...) "void"]
[==> (in-hole S (block ((x_1 n_1) ...)))
(in-hole S void)
(side-condition (not (equal? (term S) (term hole))))
[(--> (in-hole S s_red) (in-hole S s_con))
(==> s_red s_con)]))
In contrast to the original semantics, this one implements a
stack-based evaluation; inner blocks are "pushed" and,
once their statement sequence is worked off, "popped".
You must require the file into your homework solution.
Problem 1:
Design a CEK-reduction relation that corresponds to the above standard
reduction relation. Here are specifications of the machine states and
their components:
(define-extended-language sl+cek sl+c
(CEK (s (D ...) (S ...))) ;; states
(FIN ??? ??? ???) ;; final states
(D (d ...)) ;; environments (declaration stack)
(S (s ...))) ;; continuations (control stack)
As you can see, a machine state consists of
the current statement, which corresponds to the statement in the hole of
the evaluation context;
the environment, which collects the declarations that surround the hole in
the evaluation context; and
the continuation, which collects the statements to be executed after the
current one is evaluated.
Your design must include a precise specification of the set of final
states and a eval-cek function.
Like the original CEK machine, the CEK machine for simple-lang
must implement search instructions that find the next assignment statement
through the nest of blocks. Help Consider deriving your
CEK machine in a step-by-step fashion, following the text book's strategy
in the chapter on abstract register machines for ISWIM. If you follow this
path, do not turn in any intermediate steps.
Explanation Your CEK machine must use evaluation context
to evaluate expressions. A full-fledged machine would use an expression
stack and an expression continuation. Once you understand the basic idea,
there is no need to spell out these details too.
Problem 2:
Formulate and test a conjecture concerning eval-cek and
Send in a single Racket file. Its name should
consist of the two last names in alphabetical order separated with a
hyphen; its suffix must be .rkt.
Your file must start with the following two lines:
;; NameOfPartner1, NameOfPartner2
;; email@of.partner1.com, email@of.partner2.com
appropriately instantiated of course. Also separate problems with lines of
the shape ";; " followed by 77 "-". That gives you a width of 80 chars. Try
to stick to this width for all of your code; it ensures basic readability.