
Exercise 3.1.   [*] Take a look at this function definition:

Use the language level
Intermediate Student

;; Number  →  Number
;; compute the after-tax weekly wage from the hours someone worked
;; pay-per-hour: $12.55
;; tax rate: 15%
;; social security: 5.5%
;; insurance cost: $100
(define (after-tax-income hours)
  (- ; gross income:
     (* hours 12.55)
     ; taxes:
     (* (* hours 12.55) .15)
     ; social security:
     (* (* hours 12.55) .055)
     ; insurance

;; example/test:
(= (after-tax-income 40) 299.09)

Use local to simplify the function body (“go slow!”). 

Exercise 3.2.   [*] Developing the program strings-to-numbers* in exercise 1.2 required the definition of several functions. It is good practice to reorganize programs such as those with local into a single function definition. 

Exercise 3.3.   Develop the program numeric-matrix?. The function consumes a string matrix. It produces true if all strings represent a number; otherwise its return value is false.

Here are the data definitions:

;; A Matrix is one of:
;; --- empty
;; --- (cons LOS Matrix)
;; Constraint: In a matrix, the length of all LOS is the same. 

;; A LOS is one of: 
;; --- empty
;; --- (cons String LON)

Hint: The program requires several function definitions.

Constraint: Develop the program in two stages. First design all functions at the top-level. Second organize them using local so that there is only one top-level function. 

Exercise 3.4.   Design make-spread. The function consumes two natural numbers: n and m. Its result is a rectangular list: rectangle S-expression such as this:

  (list (list 'td "cell00") (list 'td "cell01"))
  (list (list 'td "cell10") (list 'td "cell11"))
  (list (list 'td "cell20") (list 'td "cell21"))
  (list (list 'td "cell30") (list 'td "cell31")))

with 4 rows and 2 columns.

Hint: Use the function string-append, which performs the obvious operation on strings.

Use the function to develop the function make-table, which consumes two natural numbers and creates the following S-expression for n = 3 and m = 2:

(list 'table
  (list 'tr (list 'td "cell00") (list 'td "cell01"))
  (list 'tr (list 'td "cell10") (list 'td "cell11"))
  (list 'tr (list 'td "cell20") (list 'td "cell21")))

Add the teachpack
When the function is properly designed, use the function inform/html (from the teachpack) to display the result of the function in a browser.