1 {Monday Morning: Welcome Back}
1.1 {Goals}
1.2 {Example: Functions on Numbers}
1.3 {Example: Images}
1.4 {Example: Structures and Functions on Structures}
1.5 {Example: Lists and Functions on Lists}
2 {Monday Afternoon: Images, Lists, {\bf N}}
2.1 {Goals}
2.2 {A Notation for Lists}
2.3 {Example: {\bf N}}
2.4 {Example: More on Images}
2.5 {Example: Image Functions}
3 {Tuesday Morning: Local Definitions}
3.1 {Goals}
3.2 {Local Definitions: Syntax and Semantics}
3.3 {Local Definitions: Go slow!}
3.4 {Local Definitions: Go fast!}
3.5 {Local Definitions: Just Do It}
3.6 {Lexical Scope}
4 {Tuesday Afternoon: Generative Recursion}
4.1 {Goal}
4.2 {Example: Generating Balloons}
4.3 {Example: Sorting Numbers}
4.4 {Example: Fractals}
4.5 {Generative Recursion: The Design Recipe}
5 {Wednesday Morning: Creating Abstractions}
5.1 {Goal}
5.2 {Example: Functions are Values, too}
5.3 {Example: Primitives are Values, too}
5.4 {Example: More on Functions}
5.5 {Example: Contracts are People, too}
5.6 {Function have Contracts, too}
6 {Wednesday Afternoon: Using Abstractions}
6.1 {Goals: 1001 Loops}
6.2 {Examples: Mapping}
6.3 {mapping with lambda, the Ultimate}
6.4 {Example: Filtering}
6.5 {filtering with lambda, the Ultimate}
6.6 {lambda, the ultimate}
6.7 {Example: Building Lists, with lambda}
7 {Thursday Morning: Some Basic I/O}
7.1 {Goal: Shriram's Day of Networking}
7.2 {apply, another powerful loop}
7.3 {Example: Keeping Track of Grades}
7.4 {Input and Output: S-expressions}
8 {Thursday Afternoon: A Networking Application}
9 {Friday Morning: Games}
9.1 {Goal}
9.2 {Calling Functions on Events}
9.3 {Example: Flying a Rocket}
9.4 {The Nature of Keystroke Events}
9.5 {Example: Launching a Rocket}
10 {Friday Afternoon: More on Games}
10.1 {Goal}