See ’net, HtDP+ |
to understand the world of reactive programming in the teachpack
is a collection of things, which can also be
displayed on a canvas. Usually we represent a world as struct.
(start Number Number)
(big-bang Number World)
“creates” the world. The number tells it how fast to tick the real clock;
the given world is the first world. Every tick of the clock can update the
(on-tick-event tock)
for every tick of the clock.
(on-key-event react)
for every key stroke on the keyboard.
(draw (draw-solid-rect (make-posn 0 0) 100 100 'blue) produce 1)
is a new keyword)
(define RKT-WD 3) (define RKT-HT 8) (define RKT-X 16) (define FLM 20) ;;N → Number
;; the height of the rocket att
(define (rocket-y t) (- HEIGHT (* 1/2 G (sqr t)))) ;;N → true
;; draw a rocket (define (rocket-draw t) (local ((define y (rocket-y t))) (and (draw-solid-rect (make-posn RKT-X y) RKT-WD RKT-HT 'blue) (draw-solid-rect (make-posn RKT-X (+ y RKT-HT)) RKT-WD FLM 'red))))
World is: a natural number (time in ticks)
(define G 3) (define WIDTH 100) (define HEIGHT 300) ;;World → true
(define (world-draw w) (rocket-draw w)) ;;World → true
(define (world-clear w) (draw-solid-rect (make-posn 0 0) WIDTH HEIGHT 'white)) ;;World → World
;; erase old world, draw new one, return new one (define (tock w) (local ((define new-w (+ w 1))) (draw (world-clear w) (world-draw w) produce new-w)))
Run, program run!
(start WIDTH HEIGHT) ;; show the canvas (big-bang .2 0) ;; create the world, start the clock (on-tick-event tock)
Data definition:
;; TheKeyEvent
is one of: ;; ---Character
;; ---Symbol
;; Interpretation: a character denotes an ordinary alpha-numeric key ;; a symbol denotes arrow keys ('left
) or other events.
Data examples: #\a
, #\-
, 'up
;; KeyEvent → ???
(define (process-event ke)
[(char? ke) ...]
[(symbol? ke) ...]))
(define-struct kc (l r u d)) ;; Kc =(make-kc N N N N)
;;KeyEvent Kc → Kc
;; add 1 to the appropriate part ofct
(define (arrow-key-counting ke ct) (cond [(char? ke) ct] [(symbol? ke) (cond [(symbol=? 'left ke) (make-kc (+ (kc-l ct) 1) (kc-r ct) (kc-u ct) (kc-d ct))] [(symbol=? 'right ke) (make-kc (kc-l ct) (+ (kc-r ct) 1) (kc-u ct) (kc-d ct))] [(symbol=? 'down ke) (make-kc (kc-l ct) (kc-r ct) (+ (kc-u ct) 1) (kc-d ct))] [(symbol=? 'up ke) (make-kc (kc-l ct) (kc-r ct) (kc-u ct) (+ (kc-d ct) 1))] [else ct])])) ;; test: (equal? (arrow-key-counting 'left (make-kc 1 0 2 9)) (make-kc 2 0 2 9))