670 S '05
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Project 6
Project 7
Project 8
Project 9
Project 10
Project 11
Project 12
Project 13

Project 12

Due date: 4/08 @ 5pm

Objective: to develop some basic understanding of distributed programming via the remote proxy pattern

Background: The modern world needs distributed computing. In this world, a system consists of many components that communicate via message exchanges, which typically correspond to method calls and returns. People tend to call ordering and formatting of these message exchanges a "protocol".

Over the past few years, XML has emerged as the dominant format for these messages. You can find abbreviations such as SOAP, XML RPC, etc. when you look for distributed protocols. Not all languages have bindings for libraries that support these protocols so I have decided to have you implement one from scratch.

Protocol: (interaction diagrams for remote proxy communication) The following suggestive interaction diagrams show how the game administrator might communicate with the players. The diagrams are refinements of your game (or what yours should have looked like) that include hints on how the distributed game works. Do not take these diagrams as accurate dedscriptions of how my server works or how your server should work.

Each diagram comes with a definition of the format th

  1. Use case: a player registers with the administrator

    This diagram specifies how players register with the game administrator in the local case:

     admin                                          player 
      |                             register(name)    |    
      | <-------------------------------------------- |    
      |                                               |    
      |  ret:follower or false                        |    
      | --------------------------------------------> |    
      |                                               |    

    The player sends a message to the administrator and receives either a follower (a string denoting a color) or false in return.

    Using the remote proxy pattern the interplay looks slightly different:

       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin                   server             proxy-admin player 
      |                        |                      |    |    
      |                        |                      |    |    
      |    proxy-player new(p) |    register(name)    |    |    
      |              | <------ | <------------------- | <- |    
      |              |         |                      |    |    
      |              | register|                      |    |    
      |              | <-----  |                      |    |    
      |              |         |                      |    |    
      |              |         |                      |    |    
      | ret:tesult   | ret:resu|t                     |    |    
      | -----------> | --------|--------------------> | -> |    
      |                        |                      |    |    
    the proxy-admin sends
      <call name="register">
        <li><string value="... words ..." /></li>
    to the server  
    the proxy-player sends a Result to the proxy-admin 
    Result  = <return><string value="ColorString" /></return> 
            | <return><boolean value="false"></return> 
    ColorString = red | yellow | cyan | black | green | magenta 

    The diagram contains several new objects: a server that listens for tcp/ip requests; a proxy-player, which is created from the new tcp/ip port and plays the role of a player to the administrator; and a proxy-admin, which is created in parallel with the player on the client side and plays the role of the administrator there. It implies that the server and proxy-administrator exist from the very beginning. The proxy-player comes about when the server receives a request to register another player.

  2. Use case: the administrator grants a player a turn
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin        proxy-player          proxy-admin      player 
      |              |                       |              |    
      | t=new() turn |                       |              |    
      | ------> |    |                       |              |    
      |         |    |                       |              |    
      | take(t) |    |                       | p=new()      |
      |         |    | take()                |  proxy-turn  |
      | ------------>| --------------------> | -----> |     |           
      |         |    |                       |        |     |
      |         |    |                       | take(p)|     |
      |         |    |                       | ---------->  |
      |         |    |                       |        |     |
      |         |    |                       |        |     |
      .         .    .                       .        .     .
      .         .    .                       .        .     .
      .         .    .                       .        .     .
      |         |    |                       |        |     |
      | <------ |<-- | <-------------------  | <----- |<--- |
    the proxy-player sends 
      <call name="take-turn" />
    to the proxy-admin
    the proxy-admin sends back
      <return><void /></return>
    to the proxy-player 
    QoS contract: a turn may not take more than 10 seconds 

    Again, we need one new class of objects: proxy-turns. They play the role of a turn on the client side. That is, they only represent the turn on the remote machine but actually just communicate their method calls to the proxy player on the server side. The following diagrams explain how the proxy-turn interacts with the proxy-player.

  3. Use case: the player requests the index of the turn's tile
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin          turn     proxy-player      proxy-turn player 
      |              |            |                  |       |    
      |              |            |                  |  g-i  |    
      |              |<---------- |<---------------- |<----- |    
      |              | ---------- | ---------------> |-----> | 
    proxy-turn sends 
      <call name="get-index" /> 
    to proxy-player 
    proxy-player sends 
      <return><number value="Index" /><return> 
    to proxy-turn 
    Index       = 00 | 1 | ... | 24
  4. Use case: the player requests the list of potential tile locations from the turn
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin          turn     proxy-player      proxy-turn player 
      |              |            |                  |       |    
      |              |            |                  |  plt  |    
      |              |<---------- |<---------------- |<----- |    
      |              | ---------- | ---------------> |-----> | 
    proxy-turn sends 
      <call name="potential-locations-for-tile" /> 
    to proxy-player 
    proxy-player sends 
    to proxy-turn 
    ListOfTile = <list>TileItem+</list>
    TileItem   = <li>Tile<li />
    Tile       = <tile index="Index" 
                          orientation="Orientation" />
    Orientation = 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 
    Number      = Integer 
  5. Use case: the player places a tile
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin          turn     proxy-player      proxy-turn player 
      |              |            |                  |       |    
      |              |            |                  |  pt   |    
      |              |<---------- |<---------------- |<----- |    
      |   chgGraph   |            |                  |       |    
      | <----------  |            |                  |       |    
      |              | ---------- | ---------------> |-----> | 
    proxy-turn sends
      <call name="place-tile">
    to proxy-player 
    proxy-player sends 
      <return><void /></return> 
    back to proxy-turn 
  6. Use case: the player requests the potential locations for followers
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin          turn     proxy-player      proxy-turn player 
      |              |            |                  |       |    
      |              |            |                  |  plf  |    
      |              |<---------- |<---------------- |<----- |    
      |              | ---------- | ---------------> |-----> | 
    proxy-turn sends
      <call name="potential-locaions-for-followers" /> 
    to proxy-player 
    proxy-player sends 
    to proxy-turn
    ListOfPos = <list>PosItem*</list>
    PosItem   = 
          <li>Tile<li />
          <li><number value="Position" /><li />
      <li />
    Position  = 0 | 90 | 180 | 270 | -100

    The Place values 0, 90, 180, 270, and -100 represent the northern edge, the eastern edge, the southern edge, the western edge, and the inside of the tile.

  7. Use case: the player places a follower
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin          turn     proxy-player      proxy-turn player 
      |              |            |                  |       |    
      |              |            |                  |  pf   |    
      |              |<---------- |<---------------- |<----- |    
      |   chgGraph   |            |                  |       |    
      | <----------  |            |                  |       |    
      |              | ---------- | ---------------> |-----> | 
    proxy-turn sends 
      <call name="place-follower">
        <li><number value="Position" /></li>
    to proxy-player
    proxy-player sends 
      <return><void /></return> 
    back to proxy-turn 
  8. Use case: the turn sends the player a score and returns some followers
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin          turn     proxy-player      proxy-turn player 
      |              |            |                  |       |    
      |              | score_token|                  |       |    
      |              | ---------> | ---------------> | ----> |    
      |              | <--------- | ---------------  | <---- | 
    proxy-player sends 
      <call name="score-and-token">
        <li><number value="Number"></li>
        <li><number value="Number"></li>
    to proxy-turn 
    proxy-turn sends 
      <return><void /></return> 
  9. Use case: the administrator sends a message to the player
       SERVER                                        CLIENT
     admin        proxy-player          proxy-admin      player
      |              |                       |              |    
      | inform       |                       |              |     
      | ------------>| --------------------> | -----------> |
      |              |                       |              |    
      |              |                       |              |    
    the proxy-player sends 
      <call name="inform">
        <li><string value="... words ..." /></li>
    to the proxy-admin
    the proxy-admin sends 
      <return><void /></return>
You may infer the proper XML messages for the observer methods: placed-tile, placed-follower, and other-score-and-token. The get-graph method is not implemented.

Task: Your task is to implement a distributed version of your Carcassonne project so that the player and the administrator run on different computers. They will communicate according to the specified protocol over tcp/ip sockets. [POINTS: 60]

As you do so, you may not touch your code base. Instead, you must create remote "proxies" that play the role of the administrator on the CLIENT machine and the role of the player on the SERVER machine. The proxies only know how to forward method calls and returns to the other side of the world.

Product: Mail a tar bundle with a two subdirectories labeled YourName_Project12 and YourName_Project11. Each subdirectory must contain a README file and a file RUN. The former contains the require documentation; the latter runs the project in a standard or conventional fashion. [POINTS: 5]

last updated on Tue Jun 9 22:03:19 EDT 2009generated with PLT Scheme