670 S '05
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Project 4
Project 5
Project 6
Project 7
Project 8
Project 9
Project 10
Project 11
Project 12
Project 13

Project 4

Due date: 2/4 @ noon

Objective: to implement interfaces; to develop additional interfaces

Your first task is to translate other use cases for Carcassonne into refinements of the graph interface and additional, new interfaces.

Task 1: Specifically, exploit the take-a-turn use case to develop an interface for the game administrator and the player. [POINTS: 4]

Task 2: Your second task is to study the end-of-game use case. Develop new interfaces, if needed, and refine existing interfaces with new entries. [POINTS: 4]

My description of the "take a turn" use case follows:

  start turn
    administrator grants player a turn 
     including a placeable tile 
    player requests possible places for tile 
    player chooses one of these feasible places 

    administrator evaluates a player's tile placement: 
    did the placement of the tile complete any regions? 
    if so, score each region (how many of whose followers 
     are in each newly compeleted region)
    if so, return followers to players

    player may receive call-back returning followers 
    player may also be informed of a score 

    player now checks whether a follower is available 
    if so, request places where follower could be placed 
      then decide whether/where to place follower 
    player chooses one of these feasible places or skips
  end of turn

Here is a collection of Scheme class interfaces and data definitions for the representation of the central classes of data of this game:

  (define player-graph<%> ;; [POINTS: 10]
    (interface () 
      potential-locations-for-tile ;; Index -> Listof[tile<%>]
      ;; given an index for a potential tile, compute a list of tiles
      ;; that could be placed into the graph
      ;; ASSUME: all tiles produced have the given index      

      insert-tile ;; tile<%> -> graph<%>
      ;; add the given tile to _this_ graph 
      ;; ASSUME: the given tile is placable in _this_ graph,
      ;; in the sense of _potential-locations-for-tile_
      ;;              -> Listof[(list tile<%> Position)]
      ;; compute the potential tile locations and positions 
      ;; on these tiles in _this_ graph where a follower 
      ;; could be placed 
      place-follower ;; tile<%> Position Follower -> graph<%>
      ;; create graph from this Follower at (x,y) on Position
      ;; ASSUME: the given coordinates and position are legal 
      ;; in the sense of potential-locations-for-followers
  (define admin-graph<%> ;; [POINTS: 10]
    (interface () ;; this creates a single interface from two 
      complete-regions ;; -> Listof[completed<%>]
      ;; the list of regions that were completed 
      ;; by the last insertion of a tile 
  (define graph<%>  ;; [POINTS: 0]
    (interface (admin-graph<%> player-graph<%>)))
  (define completed<%> ;; [POINTS: 6]
    (interface ()
      followers ;; -> Listof[(list Follower Number)]
      ;; how many followers of each kind exist occupy 
      ;; _this_ completed region; note: this result can 
      ;; be used for both scoring and returning followers 
      ;; to players
      score ;; -> PositiveNumber
      ;; what is the value of _this_ completed region, 
      ;; independent of the followers on the tiles
      remove-followers ;; -> completed<%> 
      ;; effect: remove all followers from _this_ region 
      ;; return _this_ region 
      ;; ASSUME: afterwards _followers_ produces the empty list 
      equal ;; completed<%> -> Boolean 
      ;; are _this_ and the given instance equal? 

  ;; represent the tiles inside a graph 
  (define tile<%> ;; [POINTS: 2]
    (interface () 
      equal ;; tile<%> -> Boolean 
      ;; compare _this_ tile with the given tile 

      index ;; -> Index 
      ;; the index from which _this_ tile was built 

  ;; a Position is one of:
  ;; -- Direction
  ;; -- INNER
  ;; interpretation: 
  ;; NORTH :: road or castle w/o interior connection 
  ;; SOUTH :: road or castle w/o interior connection 
  ;; EAST  :: road or castle w/o interior connection 
  ;; WEST  :: road or castle w/o interior connection 
  ;; INNER :: abbey or castle with interior connection
  (define INNER -100)

  ;; a Direction is one of:
  ;; -- NORTH
  ;; -- EAST
  ;; -- SOUTH
  ;; -- WEST

  (define NORTH   0)
  (define EAST   90)
  (define SOUTH 180)
  (define WEST  270) 
  ;; functions for moving in these cardinal directions 
  ;; x :: the east-west coordinate 
  ;; y :: the north-south coordinate 
  (define north sub1)
  (define east  add1)
  (define south add1)
  (define west  sub1)
  ;; a Follower is one of: 
  ;; -- RED
  ;; -- WHITE
  ;; -- BLUE
  ;; -- BLACK

  (define RED   "red")
  (define WHITE "white")
  (define BLUE  "blue")
  (define BLACK "black")
  ;; represent the unplaced tiles 
  ;; an Index is one of: 
  ;; -- "00"
  ;; -- "1"
  ;; -- ...
  ;; -- "24"

  ;; a Listof[X] is one of:
  ;; -- Empty
  ;; -- (cons X Listof[X])

  ;; (list X Y) is
  ;; -- (cons X (cons Y empty))

  ;; Note: Java and C++ programmers should use Vector instead of List. 

I chose Scheme because it is a neutral language for most of you and because most of the signatures (contracts, purposes) are actually expressed informally. That means those of you who choose a scripting language see how to use the design recipe, and those of you who choose a typed language can still translate these statements into typed method signatures and interface-like expressions.

Task 3: Your task is to implement classes in your chosen programming language. Your implementation must be faithful. In particular, we must be able to plug someone else's class into your program, and your program should at least compile and mostly run. NOTE 1: There is no question that the informal purpose statements are open to interpretation or that the plugged-in class is faulty. Still, it should be possible to plug in other people's code and get things to run. That's the real world. NOTE 2: The POINT comments with the interfaces tell you how much the implementation of each interface counts. You will need all of them eventually but if you are running out of time, you may restrict the scope of the project with trivial implementations of peripheral things and focus on the others instead. Of, vice versa, you can try to get as many points from the easy interfaces, and get the rest done later.

Task 4: Your last task is to ponder the following question:

Why do the methods insert-tile and place-follower return a new graph rather than just modify the graph? If yes, describe a scenario (within the game) where this might be useful. If no, argue why this is extraneous overhead and should probably be changed for the final product.
As you may know, I am a (non-radical) "functional programmer" who prefers to return values rather than modifying them where possible. It is thus possible that I just went too far here. [POINTS: 3]

Product: Mail a tar bundle with two subdirectories labeled Interfaces (tasks 1 and 2) and Carcassonne (task 3). Place the relevant pieces into the subdirectories and add a README file to make sure your graders can compile and run the program. If you answer the question in task 4, include the answer in the README file and specify as such.

last updated on Tue Jun 9 22:03:19 EDT 2009generated with PLT Scheme