(papers available on-line; for others, please consult libraries) (for PLT papers, see NU PLT tab on the left)
Conference and Journal Papers
Caldwell, Garnock-Jones, Felleisen (Journal of Functional Programming)Programming and Reasoning about Actors that Share Statepdf Also see the JFP version | cgf-jfp24 |
OOPSLA 2023: Greenman, Felleisen, Dimoulas How Profilers Can Help Navigate Type Migrationpdf | oopsla23-gfd.pdf |
ICFP 2023: Lazarek, Greenman, Felleisen, Dimoulas How to Evaluate Blame, Part IIpdf | icfp23-lgfd |
Greenman, Lazarek, Dimoulas, Felleisen (Programming)A Transient Semantics for Typed Racketpdf | prog21 |
OOPSLA 2020: Ballantyne, King, Felleisen Macros for Domain-Specific Languagespdf | oopsla20-bkf |
Greenmean, Takikawa, New, Feltey, Findler, Vitek, Felleisen (Journal of Functional Programming)How to Evaluate the Performance of Gradual Type Systemspdf Also see the actual JFP version | gtnffvf-jfp19 |
ICFP 2018: Greenman, Felleisen A Spectrum of Soundness and Performancepdf | icfp18-gf |
Andersen, St-Amour, Vitek, Felleisen (Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems)Feature-Specific Profilingpdf | toplas18-asvf |
SNAPL 2017: Tobin-Hochstadt, Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Greenman, Kent, St-Amour, Strickland, Takikawa Migratory Typing: Ten Years Laterpdf | typed-racket |
ICFP 2016: Dimoulas, New, Findler, and Felleisen Oh Lord, Please Don't Let Contracts be Misunderstood, a Variation on Old Gemspdf | icfp16-dnff |
ESOP 2016: Garnock-Jones and Felleisen Coordinated Concurrent Programming in Syndicatepdf | esop16-gjf |
ECOOP 2015: Takikawa, Feltey, Dean, Flatt, Findler, Tobin-Hochstadt, and Felleisen Toward practical gradual typingpdf Our artifact could not be evaluated because Matthew Flatt was chairman of the AEC for ECOOP 2015. | ecoop15-tfdffthf |
SNAPL 2015: Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi, Barzilay, McCarthy, Tobin-Hochstadt The Racket Manifestopdf | manifesto |
CC 2015: St-Amour, Andersen, Felleisen Feature-specific Profilingpdf | cc15-saf |
SIGCSE 2015: Schanzer, Fisler, Krishnamurthi, Felleisen Transferring Skills at Solving Word Problems from Computing to Algebra Through Bootstrappdf | sigcse-sfkf |
POPL 2014: Chang, Felleisen Profiling for Lazinesspdf | popl14-cf |
Strickland, Dimoulas, Takikawa, Felleisen (Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems)Contracts for First-Class Classes pdf | toplas13-sdtf |
OOPSLA 2012: Takikawa, Strickland, Dimoulas, Tobin-Hochstadt, Felleisen Gradual Typing for First-Class Classespdf | oopsla12-tsdthf |
OOPSLA 2012: St-Amour, Tobin-Hochstadt, Felleisen Optimization Coachingpdf | oopsla12-stf |
ESOP 2012: Chang and Felleisen The Call-by-need Lambda Calculus, Revisitedpdf | esop12-cf |
ESOP 2012: Dimoulas, Tobin-Hochstadt, and Felleisen Complete Monitors for Behavioral Contractspdf | esop12-dthf |
IFL 2011 (appears in 2012): Chang, Barzilay, Clements, Felleisen From Stack Traces to Lazy Rewriting Sequencespdf | ifl11-cbcf |
Dimoulas, Felleisen (Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems)On Contract Satisfaction in a Higher-Order Worldpdf | toplas11-df |
PADL 2012: St-Amour, Tobin-Hochstadt, Flatt, and Felleisen Typing the Numeric Towerpdf | padl12-stff |
PLDI 2011: Tobin-Hochstadt, St-Amour, Culpepper, Flatt, Felleisen Languages as Librariespdf | pldi11-thacff |
POPL 2011: Dimoulas, Findler, Flanagan, Felleisen Correct Blame for Contracts: No More Scapegoatingpdf | popl11-dfff |
TFP 2010: Eastlund, Felleisen Hygienic Macros for ACL2pdf | tfp10-ef |
DLS 2010: Strickland, Felleisen Contracts for First-Class Classespdf | dls10-sf |
ICFP 2010: Culpepper, Felleisen Fortifying Macrospdf | icfp10-cf |
ICFP 2010: Tobin-Hochstadt, Felleisen Logical Types for Untyped Languagespdf | icfp10-thf |
ICFP 2010: Felleisen TeachScheme!---A Checkpoint (Abstract)pdf | icfp10-f |
TLDI 2010: Felleisen Adding Types to Untyped Languages (Abstract)pdf | tldi10-f |
CACM 2009: Felleisen and Krishnamurthi Computer Science Doesn't Matter [draft]pdf | fk-cacm09 |
IFL 2009 (appeared in 2010): Strickland, Felleisen Nested and Dynamic Contract Boundariespdf | ifl09-sf |
DLS 2009: Strickland, Felleisen Contracts for First-Class Modulespdf | dls09-sf |
Scheme 2009: Eastlund, Felleisen Sequence Traces for Object-Oriented Executionspdf | scheme2009-ef |
PPDP 2009: Eastlund, Felleisen Making Induction Manifest in Modular ACL2pdf | ppdp09-ef |
PPDP 2009: Dimoulas, Pucella, Felleisen Future Contractspdf | ppdp09-dpf |
Culpepper, Felleisen (Science of Computer Programming)Debugging Hygienic Macrospdf | cf-sp09 |
ICFP 2009: Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi A Functional I/O System (or Fun for Freshman Kids)pdf | icfp09-fffk |
ACL2 2009: Eastlund and Felleisen Automatic Verification for Interactive Graphical Programspdf | acl209-ef |
ESOP 2009: Strickland, Tobin-Hochstadt, and Felleisen Practical Variable-Arity Polymorphismpdf | esop09-sthf |
PADL 2009: Eastlund and Felleisen Toward a Practical Module System for ACL2pdf | padl09-ef |
FDPE 2008: Page, Eastlund, and Felleisen Functional Programming and Theorem Proving for Undergraduates: A Progress Reportpdf | fdpe08-pef |
POPL 2008: Tobin-Hochstadt, Felleisen The Design and Implementation of Typed Schemepdf | popl08-thf |
ACL2 2007: Eastlund, Vaillancourt, Felleisen ACL2 for Freshmen: First Experiencespdf | acl207-evf |
GPCE 2007: Culpepper, Felleisen Debugging Macrospdf | gpce07-cf |
Krishnamurthi, Hopkins, McCarthy, Graunke, Pettyjohn , Felleisen (Journal of Higher-Order and Symbolic Computing)Implementation and Use of the PLT Scheme Web Serverpdf | hosc-07 |
Krishnamurthi, Findler, Graunke, Felleisen (Interactive Computation (Editors: Goldin, Smolka, Wegner))Modeling Web Interactions and Errorspdf | interaction06-kfgf |
APLAS 2006: Flatt, Findler, Felleisen Scheme with Classes, Mixins, and Traitspdf | aplas06-fff |
DLS 2006: Tobin-Hochstadt, Felleisen Interlanguage Migration: From Scripts to Programspdf | dls06-tf |
Scheme 2006 and Functional Programming: Culpepper, Felleisen A Stepper for Scheme Macrospdf | scheme06-cf |
ACL2 2006: Vaillancourt, Page, Felleisen ACL2 in DrSchemepdf | acl206-vpf |
POPL 2006: Meunier, Findler, Felleisen Modular Set-Based Analysis from Contractspdf | popl06-mff |
POPL 2005: Cobbe, Felleisen Environmental Acquisition Revisitedpdf | popl05-cf |
20 years of the ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation: 1979 - 1999. A Selection.: Flanagan, Sabry, Duba and Felleisen The Essence of Compiling with Continuations (Retrospective)pdf ps See below for the paper. | pldi20-fsdf |
Clements, Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi (DrDobb's) Fostering Little Languages
available on request | ddj04-cfffk |
Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi (DrDobb's) Building Little Languages with Macros
available on request | ddj04-fffk |
Clements, Felleisen (Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems)A Tail-Recursive Machine with Stack Inspectionpdf | toplas04-cf |
ECOOP 2004: Findler, Flatt, Felleisen Semantic Casts: Contracts and Structural Subtyping in a Nomimal Worldpdf | ecoop2004-fff |
RTA 2004 : Matthews, Findler, Flatt, Felleisen A Visual Environment for Developing Context-Sensitive Term Rewriting Systems.pdf | rta04-mfff |
ICSE 2004 : Antoniu, Steckler, Krishnamurthi, Neuwirth, Felleisen Validating the Unit Correctness of Spreadsheet Programsps | asknf-icse04 |
Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi (Journal of Functional Programming) The Structure and Interpretation of the Computer Science Curriculumpdf ps | jfp2004-fffk |
Matthews, Findler, Graunke, Krishnamurthi, Felleisen (Journal of Automated Software Engineering)Automatically Restructuring Software for the Webpdf ps | jase2003-mfgkf |
Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi (Computer Science Education) The TeachScheme! Project: Computing and Programming for Every Studentpdf ps The original submission contains additional material: PS, PDF | cse2003-fffk |
ESOP 2003: Clements, Felleisen A Tail-Recursive Semantics for Stack Inspectionspdf ps | esop2003-cf |
ESOP 2003: Graunke, Findler, Krishnamurthi, Felleisen Modeling Web Interactionspdf ps | esop2003-gfkf |
FDPE 2002: Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi The Structure and Interpretation of the Computer Science Curriculumpdf ps | fdpe2002-fffk |
ICFP 2002 : Findler, Felleisen Contracts for Higher-order Functionspdf | icfp2002-ff |
AFP 2002 : Felleisen Developing Interactive Web Programsps | afp2002-f |
LISA 2002 : Logan, Felleisen, Blank-Edelman Environmental Acquisition in Network Managementps | lisa2002-lfb |
Automated Software Engineering 2001: Graunke, Findler, Krishnamurthi, Felleisen Automatically Restructuring Programs for the Webpdf ps | ase2001-gfkf |
OOPSLA 2001: Findler, Felleisen. Contract Soundness for Object-Oriented Languagespdf ps | oopsla01-ff |
FSE 2001: Findler, Latendresse, Felleisen. Behavioral Contracts and Behavioral Subtypingpdf | fse01-flf |
Monterey Workshop 2001: Clements, Graunke, Krishnamurthi, and Felleisen Little Languages and their Programming Environmentspdf | mw01-cgkf |
Findler, Clements, Flanagan, Flatt, Krishnamurthi, Steckler, and Felleisen. (Journal of Functional Programming)DrScheme: A Programming Environment for Schemepdf ps | jfp01-fcffksf |
ESOP 2001: Clements, Flatt, Felleisen Modeling an Algebraic Stepperpdf ps | esop2001-cff |
ESOP 2001: Graunke, Krishnamurthi, Van der Hoeven and Felleisen Programming the Web with High-Level Programming Languagespdf ps | esop2001-gkvf |
GCSE 99: Krishnamurthi, Felleisen and Duba From Macros to Reusable Generative Programming [no on-line version of paper due to copyright restrictions] but see Technical Report | gcse99-kfd |
Flanagan and Felleisen (Journal of Functional Programming)The Semantics of Future and an Applicationps | popl95-ff |
ICFP 99: Flatt, Findler, Krishnamurthi and Felleisen Programming Languages as Operating Systems (or, Revenge of the Son of the Lisp Machine)pdf ps DVI (sans screen dump) | icfp99-ffkf |
IEEE Software Engineering Education and Training '99: Felleisen, Cartwright Safety as a metricpdf Copyright (C) 1999, IEEE | seet99 |
ESOP 99: Krishnamurthi, Erlich and Felleisen Expressing Structural Properties as Language Constructs [no on-line version of paper due to copyright restrictions] abstract slides (PowerPoint) | esop99-kef |
Flanagan and Felleisen (Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems)Componential Set-Based Analysisps | toplas99-ff |
LUGM 98: Flanagan and Felleisen A New Way of Debugging LISP Programsps | lugm98-ff |
ECOOP 98: Krishnamurthi, Felleisen and Friedman Synthesizing Object-Oriented and Functional Design to Promote Re-Use [no on-line version of paper due to copyright restrictions] see Technical Report abstract | ecoop98-kff |
PLDI 98: Flatt and Felleisen Units: Cool Modules for HOT Languagesps | pldi98-ff |
Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, and Krishnamurthi (Sigplan Notices: Functional Programming Column)The DrScheme Project: An Overview.pdf ps | sigplan98-fffk |
Flatt, Krishnamurthi and Felleisen (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1523: Formal Syntax and Semantics of Java)A Programmer's Reduction Semantics for Classes and Mixins expanded version of the POPL 98 paper, corrections in Rice TR 97-293 | lncs98-fkf |
PLILP 97: Findler, Flanagan, Flatt, Krishnamurthi and Felleisen DrScheme: A Pedagogic Programming Environment for Schemeps | plilp97-fffkf |
PLDI 97: Flanagan and Felleisen Componential Set-Based Analysisps | pldi97-ff |
Cartwright and Felleisen (Computing Surveys)Program Verification through Soft Typingps | cs96-cf |
Felleisen and Weeks (R. Tennent (Ed.), ALGOL-like Languages)On the Orthogonality of Assignments and Procedures in Algolps | algol96-fw |
Ariola and Felleisen (Journal of Functional Programming)The Call-by-Need Lambda-Calculusps | jfp96-af |
PLDI 96: Flanagan, Flatt, Krishnamurthi, Weirich and Felleisen Catching Bugs in the Web of Program Invariantsps | pldi96-ffkwf |
FPCA 95: Morrisett, Felleisen and Harper Abstract Models of Memory Managementps | fpca95-mfh |
POPL 95: Flanagan and Felleisen The Semantics of Future and Its Use in Program Optimizationsps | popl95-ff |
Wright and Felleisen (Information and Computation)A Syntactic Approach to Type Soundnessps | ic94-wf |
Cartwright, Curien, and Felleisen (Information and Computation)Fully Abstract Semantics for Observably Sequential Languagespdf ps R. Findler has been correcting typos in the journal version; his new version is available from his web page. | ic94-ccf |
PLDI 94: Sabry and Felleisen Is Continuation-Passing Useful for Data Flow Analysis?ps | pldi94-sf |
TACS 94: Cartwright and Felleisen Extensible Denotational Language Specificationsps | tacs94-cf |
Sabry and Felleisen (LISP and Symbolic Computation)Reasoning about Programs in Continuation-Passing Styleps | lasc93-sf |
PLDI 93: Flanagan, Sabry, Duba and Felleisen The Essence of Compiling with Continuationsps | fsdf-pldi |
POPL 93: Weeks and Felleisen On the orthogonality of assignments and procedures in Algolps | popl93-wf |
Felleisen and Hieb (Theoretical Computer Science)The revised report on the syntactic theories of sequential control and statepdf ps | tcs92-fh |
POPL 92: Cartwright and Felleisen Observable sequentiality and full abstractionps | popl92-cf |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 666: REX 92: Kanneganti, Cartwright and Felleisen SPCF: its model, calculus, and computational powerps | rex92-kcf |
LFP 92: Sabry and Felleisen Reasoning about Programs in Continuation-Passing Styleps | lfp92-sf |
POPL 91: Crank and Felleisen Parameter-Passing and the Lambda Calculusps | popl91-cf |
Felleisen (Science of Computer Programming)On the Expressive Power of Programming Languagesps | scp91-felleisen |
Sitaram and Felleisen (Lisp and Symbolic Computation)Control Delimiters and Their Hierarchiespdf (Thanks to Robert Findler for scanning in this document and making it available in electronic form.) | lasc1990-sf |
LFP 90: Sitaram and Felleisen Reasoning with Continuations II: Full Abstraction for Models of Controlps Models of Control: Two Corrections: DVI PS | lfp90-sf |
PLDI 89: Cartwright and Felleisen The Semantics of Program Dependenceps | pldi89-cf |
POPL 88 (2): Felleisen The Theory and Practice of First-Class Promptspdf | popl88-f |
LiCS 86: Felleisen, Friedman, Kohlbecker, and Duba Reasoning with Continuationspdf (Thanks to Tony Garnock-Jones for scanning in this document and making it available in electronic form.) | lics86-ffkd |
INDIANA UNIVERSITY: Felleisen The Calculi of Lambda-v-CS Conversion: A Syntactic Theory of Control and State in Imperative Higher-Order Programming Languages pdf djvu Thanks to Chung-chieh Shan for creating the djvu version. And thanks to Jim Bender for converting it to PDF. | felleisen87 |
Technical Reports
Northeastern U. Computer Science TR NU-CCIS-8-28-14-01: St-Amour, Felleisen Feature-Specific Profilingpdf | NU-CCIS-14-01 |
Northeastern U. Computer Science TR NU-CCIS-10-04: Strickland and Felleisen Contracts for First-Class Classespdf | NU-CCIS-10-04 |
Northeastern U. Computer Science TR NU-CCIS-08-03: Strickland, Tobin-Hochstadt, and Felleisen Variable-Arity Polymorphismpdf | NU-CCIS-08-03 |
Northeastern U. Computer Science TR NU-CCIS-08-01: Strickland, Cobbe, and Felleisen Variable-Arity Generic Interfacespdf | NU-CCIS-08-01 |
Northeastern U. Computer Science TR NU-CCIS-06-11: Eastlund and Felleisen Sequence Traces for Object-Oriented Executionpdf | NU-CCIS-06-11 |
Northeastern U. Computer Science TR NU-CCIS-06-10: Cobbe and Felleisen Envrionmental Acquisition Revisitedpdf | NU-CCIS-06-10 |
Northeastern U. Computer Science TR NU-CCIS-02-05: Findler and Felleisen Contracts for Higher-Order Functionspdf | NU-CCIS-02-05 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 01-372: Findler, Latendresse and Felleisen Object-oriented Programming Languages Need Well-founded Contractspdf | tr01-372 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 00-366: Findler and Felleisen Behavioral Interface Contracts for Javapdf | tr00-366 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 00-364: Krishnamurthi, Felleisen and Duba From Macros to Reusable Generative Programmingps | tr00-364 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 99-352: Felleisen and Krishnamurthi Safety in Programming Languagespdf ps | tr99-352 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 99-346: Felleisen, Hanus, Thompson Functional and Declarative Programming in Education Directory | tr99-346 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 98-299: Krishnamurthi, Felleisen and Friedman Synthesizing Object-Oriented and Functional Design to Promote Re-Useps | tr98-299 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 97-293: Flatt, Krishnamurthi and Felleisen ( A Programmer's Reduction Semantics for Classes and Mixinspdf ps | tr97-293 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 97-292: Krishnamurthi and Felleisen Lecture Notes on the Principles of Programming Languagesps | tr97-292 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 96-266: Flanagan and Felleisen Modular and Polymorphic Set-Based Analysis: Theory and Practiceps | tr96-266 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 91-160: Wright and Felleisen A Syntactic Approach to Type Soundnessps | tr91-160 |
Rice U. Computer Science TR 89-100: Felleisen and Hieb The revised report on the syntactic theories of sequential control and state ps | tr89-100 |
Indiana U. Computer Science TR 87-216: Felleisen, Friedman, Duba, Merrill Beyond Continuationspdf djvu Thanks to Chung-chieh Shan for creating the djvu version. | felleisen-beyond |
Indiana U. Computer Science TR 85-182: Felleisen Transliterating Prolog into Schemepdf | tr182-f |